RT 807 Højslev Lille Dansk format


Brun vingetagsten

RT 807 Brun vingetagsten

Vingetagsten i Lille Dansk Format er et klassisk dansk tagstensformat.
Det lille format med ca. 14 sten pr. m2 gør tagstenen ideel til mindre tage og til restaureringsopgaver.

Højslev er klassiske tagsten udviklet til Skandinaviens hårde klima. Tagstenene produceres på vores teglværk i Højslev. Stenene er baseret på en unik lerblanding med skiferler og brændes i kassetter ved 1050° C – en højere temperatur end mange andre tagsten på markedet. Resultatet er smukke og uforgængelige tagsten i karakteristiske farver og former.


Images show dry products photographed indoors and should be viewed as guidance only. Clay is a natural material which can therefore vary in surface, colour or tint. We always recommend ordering a sample as well as a visit to one of our many reference projects.

Texture / revit

Find the right texture in the masonry or the building by combining bricks, bonding patterns and joint colours fra our assortment. Choose one or several textures and download the collection med a variety of the wished texture wich can be used in programs like REVIT and AutoCad.

Try the texture tool
Texture / revit.

Visual tool

Create your dream house with our online visual tool. You have the opportunity to choose between seven different houses with all type of bricks and roof tiles in our assortment. And when you are closer to finding the dream house, you can se, save and print all the combinations.

Try the visual tool
Visual tool.
Wall bricks

Brick-built dwellings

The modern single-family home is brick-built. Buildings in brick are robust and are ideal for the Scandinavian climate because brick has properties unlike any other building materials. Brick-built dwellings have a healthy indoor climate, are energy-efficient and last for generations.

See why well-being is something you build